Collection essentials #273: Sutte Hakkun (SNES)

Here’s one of Nintendo’s most obscure great games. In Japan, there was an accessory released for the Super Famicom called the “Satellaview” rather late in the console’s lifespan. I’m not going to go into a large amount of detail about it because I don’t own one and it’s kinda off-topic, but it’s a pretty neat piece of technology. From what I understand, the main unit attaches to the bottom of a Super Famicom console, plus it always has its own cartridge for the cartridge slot. It allowed owners to download games and content from satellite broadcasts! Sutte Hakkun started out as a game for this service, and its own history is a little complicated. With it being a level-based game, it started out with a few dozen levels for the initial Satellaview version. Then Nintendo decided to make an expanded version for their “Nintendo Power” service (not to be confused with the popular magazine). That’s another thing I have to explain: in Japan, there were these writable Super Famicom cartrid...