Collection essentials #406: F-Zero X (N64)

The first F-Zero was a launch title for the Super Nintendo, and the futuristic racer was one of its most popular games in its first months. There wasn’t a full F-Zero sequel on the console, though there was a “BS F-Zero 2” released via the Japan-only Satellaview add-on which basically felt like more tracks for the original game. But with the release of the 3D-capable Nintendo 64, Nintendo saw that it was time to give F-Zero a true, evolved sequel. And boy, did they deliver. Vehicles in F-Zero are anti-gravity machines that move at very high speeds and are capable of “boosting” to gain a sharp increase in speed. The vehicles often take a beating during a race, so there are “recharge strips” located on every track which restores a vehicle’s energy if driven over. Those are fundamentals that are shared between the first F-Zero and F-Zero X. But otherwise F-Zero X feels very different thanks to the many upgrades and changes allowed by the jump to more powerful hardware. As was the cas...