Collection essentials #66: Gumshoe (NES)

Hey, look, another light gun game from Nintendo! This one has a pretty creative premise. There’s a dude who’s walking to the right, and you don’t control him. You have to actually make him jump by shooting him with your Zapper gun. There are all kinds of enemies and obstacles that will thwart him if you don’t! Sometimes you have to shoot said enemies and obstacles to get rid of them rather than jumping over them (or both methods can be an option).

Gumshoe is a bit notorious for its difficulty, and unfortunately that does prevent it from being a truly great classic. The game demands you to be a little too precise at times with your aim. However, there is a way to make the difficulty not so bad, and that is…holding your gun up much closer to the TV than you normally would!

Gumshoe’s not the greatest light gun game in the world, but as a fan of the accessory, it’s one that I want to have.


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