Collection essentials #80: Mega Man 3 (NES)

Mega Man 3 adds two very significant characters to the series. One of them is Mega Man’s robot dog named Rush, whom he can summon a limited number of times to help him get around in levels to serve as either a spring, hoverboard or submarine. Also new to this game is the mysterious Proto Man who at times challenges Mega Man to a fight.

Gameplay-wise, Mega Man 3 only really adds one major thing, but it’s a pretty big deal. That thing is the “slide” maneuver, which sends Mega Man forward on the ground a short distance faster than he normally walks. To me, the slide is a fantastic addition. Mega Man’s slow walking speed sometimes makes dodging tricky business, but the slide gives the player a nice evasive tool to cover extra distance quickly when needed. 

In terms of reputation, Mega Man 3 is the second-most-highly regarded game on the system behind Mega Man 2. In fact, Mega Man 2 vs. Mega Man 3 came to be a rather common debate amongst fans. I am squarely in the Mega Man 3 camp, though I admit 2’s music is better. When I played through the NES Mega Man games I came away picking another one as my favorite, but there’s a chance I would change my mind if I were to play the games again. I probably will do so someday, so it will be interesting to see what I think in the second go-around!

When I chose to revisit the Mega Man series as an adult, it was Mega Man 3 that I started with since I had already tried out 1 and 2 years prior. I greatly enjoyed it, which helped me realize the series in general is worth it after all. Mega Man 3 is one of the best NES games and a definite essential.


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