Collection essentials #125: McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure (Genesis)

And here we have another one of those games from Treasure. This time, obviously it’s a licensed game. Now, licensed games don’t have a great reputation because of how developers rely on the license rather than quality for their sales, but sometimes they’ll put in the actual love and care a game needs anyway, and that’s exactly what Treasure did here. McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure is a delightful platformer in every respect.

There’s not a ton to say as the game doesn't really reinvent the wheel. Ronald has an actual attack, he shoots out magic dust that makes most enemies go poof on contact. He has hit points so he won’t die in one hit. He’s got a scarf that he can use to wrap around things above him to hang from and/or climb up. There are optional things to find in levels, such as mini games for earning items that will help Ronald out. The quality gameplay is sweetened with good graphics and a very nice, upbeat soundtrack. 

I don’t have a ton else to say about this game, I never had it when I was younger so I don’t have a lot of personal history with it. It’s just really good! I only had to play through it once to know that it’s one of my Genesis essentials.


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