Collection essentials #131: Rocket Knight Adventures (Genesis)

Gosh, I really like Konami, don’t I?

Here’s another 2D “mascot” platformer, a type of game that was all the rage in the early ‘90s. In this game, you play as a possum named Sparkster. The thing that sets this game apart from other platformers is that Sparkster has a jetpack on his back. If you hold down the attack button, your jetpack charges up, and when you let go…ZOOOOM!! Sparkster shoots forward at a crazy speed, with his sword out to strike any enemy in his way. 

I don’t have a ton to say about Rocket Knight Adventures, I didn’t grow up with it and don’t have any specific great memories to share. I actually wasn’t super keen on it my first time playing as I had what I felt like were cheap deaths, but upon trying again, it really grew on me. The game has good, varied level design and the jetpack provides a very welcome spice to the gameplay. 

This game did start a new series, as you would expect, and Konami wanted to make Sparkster a company mascot. But although there were a couple sequels and some enthusiastic fans, Sparkster kinda faded into obscurity when the next console generation rolled around. This game is still good enough to be one of the essential Genesis games for sure, though!


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